Beautiful and poignant words, Emily. Thank you for sharing your journey this past year....It has helped me understand grief in new ways. Sending you love and strength.

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Thank you Rebecca. It's strange to think I am helping others understand grief, when I am only really learning as I go too. I reckon we all need to talk more about it, in general. x

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Wonderful writing, Emily. Ice cream is a way we remember Jen too - she did love a big scoop of fancy ice cream, and life. Reminds us to live, even though it hurts to not have her with us.

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I am learning that ice cream seems to be a common reminder of people who have died. Maybe two scoops is important, if ice cream has (at least) two functions: one to remember Jen and Neve and so many others and one to remind us to live. x

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Completely captures the conflicting emotions, beauty and grief surrounding a death day and all the days around it too

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Thank you. Knowing I have captured this is powerful. Partly knowing it helps others but also, you telling me I have captured it makes me feel less alone with my feelings, if others are also feeling similar. It's fascinating how conflicting things can be so true; wish the world could see this, that it isn't either or, that more than one thing can be true at once. x

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Beautiful. Ice cream is the gateway to childhood. So poignant and appropriate.

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I am discovering this too, so many people's memories are wrapped up in ice cream! x

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Tears in my eyes reading this, Emily. Your words help me to understand grief too. I am so sorry to learn about what you have all been through, you so beautifully express your love for Neve and your family. XX

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Thank you Amanda, it's very poignant and powerful to know that I am helping others to understand grief. Grief peer support is so needed! x

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Thank you Emily. Your writing is so very beautiful. I am learning so much from you.

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Thank you Zoe. Knowing I am having an impact is really important.

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You really are. Your writing is so compelling.

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How beautiful that Neve sends you signs. Warm yellow sunshine could be seen as a new beginning. Not a new beginning without Neve, but with Neve but Neve in a different form. No physical body, no pain. But pure joyous energy. You may want to look up the Matt Fraser videos on youtube. They may give you new insights and may help dealing with grief.

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Amazing description Emily and it just shows us what an amazing and awesome parents we can all be . Thank you for telling us this we appreciate it and it has helped me to understand more and to bless you and your family

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